Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ever Wonder… What it’s like to be super thin?

I'm 29 years old and have a waist to match! Majority of the world’s population lives on the far side of the weighing scale and look to have dedicated their lives to ensuring health magazines turn phenomenal profits.

Being thin is not easy. Modern day courtesy demands one be polite while talking of matters that concern human horizontally expansion. We the horizontally challenged however, receive no such mercies.

Being super thin does have its advantages though. No, these have nothing to do with those fictional snippets you come across in beauty magazines. I’m talking about stuff like…

· We can wear anyone’s clothes and pass it off for the Hip Hop look.
· No train or elevator is ever too crowded.
· We have an arsenal of 10 fat jokes to fire back at every thin joke thrown at us.
· Cellulite and cholesterol are just words for us.
· If I was on a boat that was sinking due to excessive passenger weight, I'd be the last person that they would throw overboard.
· Over the years, I've collected a small fortune in coins that people flip my way while saying, "Put this in your pocket to ensure you don’t don't fly away." Keep them coming please; I need a new pair of sneakers.
· For some reason most people think it to be their moral duty to pick up our tab.
· It’s never you that passed gas.
· Unlike most mortals, we do not have to waste energy on opening doors fully.
· If we ever get into a war, there is no chance in hell of us being drafted and sent to the front. (Coward you say? Yes, and blinking proud of it! Thank you.)

· Further elaborating on the above point. With all the 18-inch bicep flaunting competition being sent off to the front, I'd be left with a wide selection of attention craving senoritas to choose from. (Sleazy, opportunistic coward? Yup :)

Yeah, it's great to be a super thin!


  1. Couldn't agree more!!! 9 kgs underweight myself! i know how it feels!

  2. thanks Nupur :) what ever happened to equal rights?! let's sue Safola (easiest way to get rich fast and retire to Goa)!
