Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ever Wonder…What the Future Looks Like?

If you’ve been to Mumbai, there is a good chance you have been turned down by a rickshaw driver, at some point or the other. Did he happen to give you a scornful look while doing so? I’ve been there too. Was he expecting me to take him to the Taj and treat him to brunch? Was he hoping that I’d go over to his place, share a cup of tea with the wife? I don’t get it. These guys take to riding rickshaws for the need of funds, and then they turn down every second fare that comes their way. Knock, knock!

Oh well, let’s not fret. Things aren’t that bad. Oh no, they aren’t. Like it or not, they are going to get much worse! I will let you in on a little secret. I have seen the future, and it’s only a matter of time before… Rickshaw Drivers Take Over The World!

The year is 2050. Here’s a look at what the future looks like:

· In the year 2050, rickshaw drivers will be empowered to take you wherever they want to go and not where you need to go. Any resistance from your end will be met with a stiff fine and the confiscation of your first born child.

· In the year 2050, there would be no bass, only treble.

· In the year 2050, all shock absorbers will be replaced by shock amplifiers.

· In the year 2050, if two members of the opposite sex happen to sit in the back of a rickshaw together, they will be required to make out for the amusement of the rickshaw driver.

· In the year 2050, all interiors (home and vehicles) will look like dance bars.

· In the year 2050, prostitution would not only be legal, it would be compulsory. Rickshaw drivers will be provided subsidized rates.

· In the year 2050, paan will be the dessert of the elite.

· In the year 2050, roads and lavatories will be the same.

· In the year 2050, the Marlboro cowboy will eat gutkha.

· In the year 2050, any music other than mainstream Bollywood will be banned.

· In the year 2050, Durex will be making latex body suits.

· In the year 2050, every home will have a pet buffalo.

· In the year 2050, literacy will be banned. The last literate man was killed in 2045, while arguing with a rickshaw driver over his rate card.

· In the year 2050, your grandson will be President of the World Union… and yes, he is a rickshaw driver.

So, smile my friend. The next time a rickshaw driver gives you flack, take a deep breath (love that carbon monoxide) and be thankful it’s still just 2009.

1 comment:

  1. 2051.... the last taxi just got thrown off my roof. :)
    Good stuff bro! short stories on the way? should be!
