Friday, May 14, 2021

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Conspiracies I've heard about the vaccines.

1) They are made from parts of aborted babies. WHAT? 2) They will change your DNA structure making you not human. I find that hard to believe. 3) They will splice your DNA with that of animals, making you part animal and susceptible to diseases that plague animals. 4) They will sterilize you - Part of the One World Govt's plan to reduce population. 5) It's the mark of the Beast. 6) They are injecting us with alien DNA. 7) They will destroy your immune system - One World Govt plan to reduce population. Ayi Yai Yai! Sigh!

IMP: Need Suggestions

"Grow your audience," they say. What, they expect me to stick you guys in pots and put cow dung fertilizer for you'll. I don't got boobs. I don't got none of those Brad Pitt looks. Bikinis don't look good on me. I don't sound like George Michael. I write (and kinda rap). In order to make money from my books and music = I need a bigger audience. "Tell people to share your work." Who the heck will share my work. Nobody I know. Not my FB guys for sure. Oh, don't feel bad for them, they wouldn't :) Now, let's get on with the joke. So, how am I supposed to "Grow My Audience"? Exposure = Recognition. If I expose myself half the audience will run away. No playboy contract coming my way for sure. Any suggestions on how I grow my audience? Wait, is anyone even reading this? Do I even have an audience? Sigh... Later amigos :)

Monday, May 10, 2021

Sober (for now) and Back to Blogging

I think it's been over a decade since I've posted here. 15 years perhaps. Soooooooooooo, this is an “I’m back” post - That’s why I gonna talk about myself for a while. Sorry. I got addicted to FB and the 3 likes per post I'd get there. Hey, it's not like I was raking in the numbers here either. In fact, I only just remembered I had this space. Hi. Hello. Nice to meet ya. So, about the 2 pegs down title. I'm temporarily off alcohol till I get a job. Considering that I have not had a job for 7 years (due to battling psychosis – with pills not a misguidedly romantic sword) this could be a problem. Not that I have been sober for 7 years (Oh, hell no!). This ‘off booze till I get a job’ thing is just an unrealistic goal that I have set for myself. Realistically speaking it's a bullshit goal. Let’s be realistic. The chances of a psychotic person getting a job are low. The chances of somebody with 7 years off his CV are very low. In a lockdown? Combine the three and I'd probably stand a better chance of making money selling tricks to horny rickshaw drivers who are too high on meth to realise that mine are man boobs. Oh, manboobs, a little gift from the C virus lockdown. How have you guys been keeping up with the lockdown? I quit alcohol for a year then decided to bail the alcohol companies out of bankruptcy. That was fun. Hey, 7 years have not gone wasted. I’ve written 5 books (4 of the e-books are available on Amazon) and just wrote, rapped and released a hip-hop song on music digital platforms globally. Soooooooooooo, like I said, this is an “I’m back” post - That’s why I talked so much about myself. In my next posts, we’ll get back to our regular banter of spoofing the heck out of anything under the sun, moon or (ooooooo) the bed. In the meanwhile, if you’d like to check my new single out, here’s a link (Song name: Voices. Artist: Dwayne Lemos). Chat soon. Cheers!